I chose to use pictures from my semester in Itlay. It reminds of how beautiful and special everything in Europe is! I also miss it terribly. Each row is from a different place in Europe, with the exception of Orientation.
Row 1: Resolution
Each Row has four columns. The first row being resolution. This is image is from Sorrento, Italy in the Amalfi Coast. Every picture from this area of Italy is beautiful and memorizing. Choosing an image was very difficult. This displays how much influence DPI has on an image. The four different columns are 72 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi, and 1200 dpi. The 1200 dpi image is significantly clearer than the 72 dpi image. It's important to have images with high resolution.
Row 2: Format/Mode
The second row displays the variety of color options available and the significance of color on an image. This photo is from the Guinness Factory in Dublin, Ireland! Near the exit was an oddly beautiful display of colorful Guinness bottles. The first image is black and white. The second is duotone, the use of two colors in one image. The third image is Color RGB, typically used for web images. The final image is Color CMYK, most commonly used for print images. Color CMYK really makes the image pop and is my favorite from the row.
Row 3: Orientation
This is the only row that has three images. The first is portrait. The original image was a 4 by 6 photo. In order to get the portrait frame you crop and constrain the image. The second image is a square. The third, is the original 4 by 6 photo, landscape.
Row 4: Framing
I had the most trouble with this row. The first image is a close-up of a photograph from Lucca, Italy. This is one of my favorite photos I took while abroad. I though it would interesting to use this photo for this row. The first column is a close-up on the bicycle wheel. As the row continues, more and more of the picture is revealed until the final column is the original image.
Row 5: Content
This row focused on taking an image, preferably one that contains one large object. This image is a ferris wheel in Munich, Germany during Oktoberfest! I love this photo because of the fun angle. The first column is abstract. The image is unidentifiable. Similar to framing, the next two images reveal more and more of the image.
Row 6: Purpose
For this row I took the same image and used different effects on the same image to show how the same picture can look so different. This photo was taken in Ireland at a beautiful park right outside of the city!
At first I thought this project was going to be easy, I was wrong. It wasn't easy since I had no clue what I was doing. After messing up a few times I finally figured out how to complete each row, the right way. This project turned out to be really fun!
I'm so happy that I know how to do all of these things in Photoshop now. I learned how an image can be completely unrecognizable when cropped and how different techniques alter an image. Prior to this project I had no clue what dpi meant and now I know how important dpi is.
I encountered a few problems during this project. When I imported the images originally they were HUGE. I realized that I wasn't changing the size of the image after saving it. The project was tedious, but taught me valuable lessons for future projects. If one step is skipped then everything gets thrown off. It's very important to always focus on what you are doing while working in any of these programs.
Here is a close up of my favorite image. This image is the 1200 dpi from the first row. I love the picture and with a 1200 dpi it makes the image much clearer.

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